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Scholarship Granting Organization

The NordoniaSGO’s purpose is to raise scholarship dollars for students to attend all-day kindergarten in the Nordonia Hills City Schools District. Scholarships will be prioritized to low income students

The State of Ohio now allows taxpayers the opportunity to direct monetary donations to an eligible scholarship-granting organization (SGO). When you give to the Nordonia SGO, you will receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit of up to $750 annually per individual or up to $1,500 annually if you are married and filing jointly. 

Image by Gautam Arora

Information about Nordonia Hills Schools Scholarship Granting Organization.

Nordonia Hills City Schools - Graphic.jpg

Application Information

Image by Katt Yukawa

Interested in finding out how to help?
Find out more about donating to NordoniaSGO here.

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